Monday, April 14, 2014

Looking Forward to April 20, 2014 -- Easter Sunday

The Scripture Readings this week are:
  • Psalm 118 (VU p.837 Parts 1-3)
  • Matthew 28:1-10
The Sermon title is Earthquakes, Angels, Resurrection. OH MY!

Early Thoughts:  After the darkness comes the light.  After the despair comes the hope.  After the cross comes the empty tomb.

What is it like when the world is changed?  What happens?

In Matthew's account of Easter morning it comes with an earthquake and a bright light, an angel and a lot of fear.

Makes sense to me.

Resurrection (as a faith event, I have not watched the new TV show by that name) is something that shatters our expectations.  It is something that changes how we see and experience the world.  It can feel like a burst of light that chases away shadows.  It can also be terrifying.  Which is probably why we have three references to fear in Matthew's story.

Where is New Life surprising you this year?   Where do you expect to find death and rot, only to find an earthquake, a flash like lightning, a messenger from God and news of resurrection?


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