Monday, June 18, 2018

Lookng Forward to June 24, 2018--God Shows Up

This week's section from Job is Job 31:35-37; 38:1-11

The Sermon title is How Dare You?!

Early Thoughts: Job has made his final plea. He has once again sworn his innocence. And finally, after 35 chapters, God re-appears.

God appears out of a whirlwind and challenges Job's right or ability to question God.

In large part the speeches out of the whirlwind are an ode to Creation. But they also say something about God. And God never actually does answer the complaint Job lays before God. God never explains to Job why these things happened to Job, God never accounts for the justice (or lack thereof) of what has taken place.

What God does is explain that God has set limits to the wildness of the creation (which, hearkening back to the conversation with the Adversary in chapter 2, would explain why Job is still alive). God makes an argument for God being in control. God reminds Job that Job is not God.

It is not, to my mind, a satisfactory answer. It is not, to my mind, a satisfactory resolution. But as we shall see, Job seems to accept it.

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